My Favourite Place To Read.
Hello there reader, so, we all have our sacred place, whether it be in a treehouse, a bedroom, or even in one's own mind, I'm sure that we all have our beloved spot that is ours and ours alone. My special place is probably completely different from yours, but I've decided to share with you a space that has been my sanctuary for the past two years, and continues to be a place of deep thought and peace for me. Welcome to the hidden bench in the castle grounds. Okay, so it isn't exactly "hidden" as such, but I like to convince myself that it's some tucked away wonderland that only I have access to, somewhere I can sit for hours without worrying about people, or cars, or anything that's ever existed. It's just me, my book, and my thoughts. Nothing else. Something else that I love about my little spot is that it's teeming with unnoticed beauty and wildlife. I could easily walk straight p...